\r\n\r\n | Dissemination, Implementation, Communication, and Engagement\r\n
A guide for health researchers\r\n
The Stakeholder Engagement Navigator is a service of the Data Science to Patient Value Initiative at the
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
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\" + word.description + \"
\"\r\n return returnText;\r\n }\r\n\r\n setToaster() {\r\n this.showToaster = !this.showToaster;\r\n this.hideToaster = !this.hideToaster;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n","import mod from \"-!../../../node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../../../node_modules/ts-loader/index.js??clonedRuleSet-40.use[1]!../../../node_modules/@vue/vue-loader-v15/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./BubblePage.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts&\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../../../node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../../../node_modules/ts-loader/index.js??clonedRuleSet-40.use[1]!../../../node_modules/@vue/vue-loader-v15/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./BubblePage.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts&\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./BubblePage.vue?vue&type=template&id=729b159e&scoped=true&\"\nimport script from \"./BubblePage.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts&\"\nexport * from \"./BubblePage.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts&\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../../../node_modules/@vue/vue-loader-v15/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n \"729b159e\",\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","export default class Breadcrumb {\r\n text: string;\r\n disabled: boolean;\r\n link: boolean;\r\n href?: string;\r\n\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.text = '';\r\n this.disabled = false;\r\n = false;\r\n }\r\n}","\r\n import { Vue, Component } from 'vue-property-decorator'\r\n\r\n import StartPage from './StartPage.vue'\r\n import ResearchStagePage from './ResearchStagePage.vue'\r\n import EngagementPurposePage from './EngagementPurposePage.vue'\r\n import BubblePage from './BubblePage'\r\n\r\n import Method from \"../models/Method\";\r\n import Purpose from \"../models/Purpose\"\r\n import Breadcrumb from \"../models/Breadcrumb\";\r\n import MethodBase from '../models/MethodBase';\r\n\r\n @Component({ components: { StartPage, ResearchStagePage, EngagementPurposePage, BubblePage } })\r\n export default class Tool extends Vue {\r\n error = '';\r\n isError = false;\r\n isStarted = false;\r\n hasBeenStarted = false;\r\n isDrawerActive = false;\r\n methodBase: MethodBase[] =[];\r\n methods: Method[] = [];\r\n purposes: Purpose[] = [];\r\n breadcrumbs: Breadcrumb[] = [];\r\n selectedResearchStages: string[] = [];\r\n selectedResearchStagesDisplay: string[] = [];\r\n selectedEngagementPurposes: Purpose[] = [];\r\n filteredMethods: Method[] = [];\r\n filteredPurposes: Purpose[] = [];\r\n activeBreadcrumbs: Breadcrumb[] = [];\r\n drawer = false;\r\n group: string[] = [];\r\n \r\n async mounted() {\r\n try {\r\n this.breadcrumbs = [\r\n Object.assign(new Breadcrumb(), { \"text\": \"Home\", \"href\": \"/\", \"disabled\": false }),\r\n Object.assign(new Breadcrumb(), { \"text\": \"Stakeholder Engagement Selection Tool\", \"disabled\": false }),\r\n Object.assign(new Breadcrumb(), { \"text\": \"Research Stage Selection\", \"disabled\": false, \"link\": true }),\r\n Object.assign(new Breadcrumb(), { \"text\": \"Engagement Purpose Selection\", \"disabled\": false, \"link\": true }),\r\n Object.assign(new Breadcrumb(), { \"text\": \"Refinements and Results Page\", \"disabled\": false, \"link\": false })\r\n ]\r\n\r\n this.addBreadcrumb(\"Home\");\r\n this.addBreadcrumb(\"Stakeholder Engagement Selection Tool\");\r\n\r\n // #region JSON Data\r\n this.purposes = JSON.parse('[{\"Name\":\"Perspectives\",\"Value\":\"Identify and explore new perspectives or understandings\"},{\"Name\":\"Important\",\"Value\":\"Identify which topics are most important to stakeholders\"},{\"Name\":\"Relevant\",\"Value\":\"Develop research questions relevant to stakeholders\"},{\"Name\":\"Outcomes\",\"Value\":\"Select outcomes and measures that matter to stakeholders\"},{\"Name\":\"Refine\",\"Value\":\"Refine and help implement effective recruitment strategies\"},{\"Name\":\"Expand\",\"Value\":\"Expand and diversify stakeholder outreach\"},{\"Name\":\"Investigate\",\"Value\":\"Investigate best ways to successfully implement a study, based on stakeholder insights\"},{\"Name\":\"Describe\",\"Value\":\"Describe findings in a way stakeholders can understand and use\"},{\"Name\":\"Disseminate\",\"Value\":\"Disseminate findings to relevant audiences\"},{\"Name\":\"Design\",\"Value\":\"Design strategies for translating research into practice\"}]');\r\n// eslint-disable-next-line\r\n this.methods = JSON.parse('[{\"Name\": \"25/10 Crowdsourcing\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": false}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": true}],\"Budget\": 1,\"Time\": 1,\"Interaction\": 1,\"Type\": \"Tool\",\"Description\": \"25/10 Crowd Sourcing rapidly generates and sorts through a large group\\’s most actionable ideas.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Appreciative Inquiry\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": true}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": true}],\"Budget\": 2,\"Time\": 2,\"Interaction\": 3,\"Type\": \"Method\",\"Description\": \"Appreciative inquiry (AI) is a philosophical approach to a research project. AI involves a shift in perspective from focusing on what is not working in a research study to what is already working well. This philosophy flips the traditional deficit-based approach on its head and allows one to inquire about the strengths, possibilities, and successes of a study, as opposed to taking the traditional deficit-based approach.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Bootcamp Translation\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": false}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": true}],\"Budget\": 3,\"Time\": 3,\"Interaction\": 3,\"Type\": \"Method\",\"Description\": \"Boot Camp Translation is a series of in-person and phone meetings with community members about a health topic. The first meeting includes a detailed presentation with evidence-based guidelines and recommendations from an expert on the topic in question, and after this presentation participants and skilled moderators begin working to decide what about the health issue their community needs to know and how to best to address the issue.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Citizen Juries\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": false}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": true}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": false}],\"Budget\": 2,\"Time\": 2,\"Interaction\": 2,\"Type\": \"Method\",\"Description\": \"Citizen juries are a deliberation method used to elicit views from a \\\\\\\"jury\\\\\\\" made up of a representative sample of citizens on a particular issue. This method aims to promote decision-making based on process of careful consideration, debate, and respect for different viewpoints.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Community Engagement Studio\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": true}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": false}],\"Budget\": 2,\"Time\": 2,\"Interaction\": 2,\"Type\": \"Method\",\"Description\": \"Community Engagement Studios (CE Studios) are a model of engagement where community members or patients are consulted as stakeholder experts, rather than research participants. Modeled after the Clinical and Translational Research Studio, CE studios consist of a brief presentation from the researcher who presents 2-3 questions to the stakeholder group to elicit input on their project. These sessions are consultative in nature and are designed to ensure that the stakeholders are comfortable sharing their experiences and opinions.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Concept Mapping \",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": false}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": false}],\"Budget\": 2,\"Time\": 1,\"Interaction\": 2,\"Type\": \"Method\",\"Description\": \"Concept mapping is a group process for generating consensus about how different ideas relate to each other. Often used in CBPR, participants define the relatedness of ideas by sorting ideas by sorting the responses into cluster grouping based on perceived similarity. Statements produced during a brainstorming session are analyzed using multivariable statistical analyses that show how strongly different ideas relate to one another.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Conversation Cafe\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": true}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": true}],\"Budget\": 1,\"Time\": 1,\"Interaction\": 2,\"Type\": \"Tool\",\"Description\": \"Conversation cafes are hosted conversations held in public settings (like a cafe) where anyone is welcome to join. Participants sit in a circle and follow a simple set of agreements to engage in rounds of dialogue. A talking object is used equalize power and allow each participant the opportunity to speak and be heard.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Deliberative Polling\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": true}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": true}],\"Budget\": 2,\"Time\": 3,\"Interaction\": 1,\"Type\": \"Method\",\"Description\": \"In deliberative polling, a sample of participants are surveyed on a particular issue and are then invited to a day- or weekend-long event to discuss the issue in a facilitated environment where they are given unbiased information on the issue. After the event, participants complete the original survey for a second time.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Delphi Technique\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": false}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": false}],\"Budget\": 2,\"Time\": 2,\"Interaction\": 3,\"Type\": \"Method\",\"Description\": \"In the Delphi Technique, a series of consecutive questionnaires are distributed and used to determine participant perceptions. The Delphi Technique is frequently used to prioritize research topics and to generate consensus. This technique can be conducted in-person or virtually (e.g. online questionnaires).\"}, {\"Name\": \"Discovery and Action Dialogues\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": true}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": true}],\"Budget\": 1,\"Time\": 1,\"Interaction\": 2,\"Type\": \"Tool\",\"Description\": \"Discovery and Action Dialogues (DADs) are lightly facilitated, brief conversations with a group, unit or community to discover new solutions to a shared challenge by identifying \\\\\\\"positive deviant behaviors and practices.\\\\\\\" Positive deviant behaviors and practices are behaviors, practices, and solutions currently in use by high-performers that may be adapted or replicated by others with similar resources or circumstances.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Ecocycle Planning\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": true}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": true}],\"Budget\": 1,\"Time\": 1,\"Interaction\": 1,\"Type\": \"Tool\",\"Description\": \"The Ecocycle model is a way that health researchers can engage with stakeholders to look at the overall sustainability of a study, group, or organization. Like climate and the natural cycles of the planet, this engagement tool explores how different pieces of a problem or solution interconnect and works to maximize strengths, prioritize, eliminate unnecessary elements and achieve balance and efficiency in finding solutions and management strategies for an array of issues that may arise in health sciences research.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Focus Groups\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": true}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": false}],\"Budget\": 2,\"Time\": 1,\"Interaction\": 1,\"Type\": \"Tool\",\"Description\": \"Focus groups are moderated discussions among a purposefully selected group of individuals. Focus groups are not designed to provide consensus regarding the issue at hand, but instead are used to elicit new insights and understanding from participants on the issue by allowing participants to engage in dynamic conversation with each other and build off of each other\\'s ideas.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Human-Centered Design\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": true}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": true}],\"Budget\": 2,\"Time\": 2,\"Interaction\": 3,\"Type\": \"Method\",\"Description\": \"Human-Centered Design is a strategy that puts stakeholders first and can be used for any aspect of health research from determining a study question to effective recruitment, retention, dissemination. It can also be used to help design study interventions or product/solution design. While Human-Centered Design is a highly adaptable approach, most include stakeholders in the following three phases 1) Listening/ Brainstorming around issue or question 2) Coming to consensus on a method/question/ solution to test. 3) Testing method/question/solution 4) Seek feedback and repeat steps one and two until researchers and stakeholders are satisfied that original purpose of engagement has been achieved.\"}, {\"Name\": \"I-Corps\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": false}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": true}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": true}],\"Budget\": 3,\"Time\": 3,\"Interaction\": 3,\"Type\": \"Method\",\"Description\": \"I-Corps is a program created by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to help move NSF-funded research to the market. Teams of scientists, researchers, and engineers use this method to gain a better understanding of the potential value of a product or technology they are creating. Health sciences researchers who are looking to create a new product or technology can use this method to talk with potential partners, competitors, patients, health professionals, family caregivers, others about how to move their idea or prototype into real world use on the commercial market.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Key Informant Interviews\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": true}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": false}],\"Budget\": 2,\"Time\": 1,\"Interaction\": 1,\"Type\": \"Tool\",\"Description\": \"Key informant interviews are in-depth qualitative interviews of a small number of individuals (15-35) with direct knowledge or experience about a particular topic. The goal of conducting key informant interviews is to obtain descriptions of insights, perceptions, and experiences from a wide range of people.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Nominal Group Technique\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": true}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": false}],\"Budget\": 1,\"Time\": 1,\"Interaction\": 1,\"Type\": \"Tool\",\"Description\": \"Nominal Group Technique (NGT) is a structured group discussion used to reach consensus, problem-solve, or generate ideas. Depending upon the topic, NGT may be preceded by a brief presentation of the issue. Information is gathered by inviting each member of the group to express their ideas or suggestions on the particular issue. Participants are then asked to vote on or prioritize the ideas and suggestions of all group members. The voting process may occur multiple times. The purpose is to provide structure to a group discussion when the group is facing the challenge of reaching agreement on complex topics.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Online Collaborative Platforms\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": true}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": true}],\"Budget\": 2,\"Time\": 1,\"Interaction\": 2,\"Type\": \"Method\",\"Description\": \"Online Collaborative Platforms are web sites or other virtual spaces that enable interaction. They allow stakeholders to communicate, share information, and work together while promoting transparency, participation, and collaboration. Online Collaborative Platforms can be used in many ways, including for advisory panels and Delphi panels (among others). Stakeholders can engage virtually and (when done asynchronously) at their own convenience. Organizations can make use of free or low-cost platforms that are available for public use.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Online Communities\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": true}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": true}],\"Budget\": 2,\"Time\": 1,\"Interaction\": 2,\"Type\": \"Method\",\"Description\": \"An online community is a group of people joined together on an interactive online platform for moderated discussion, the byproducts of which are analyzed using qualitative research methods. Online communities usually include themed discussion “threads” aligned to project objectives, but can also include features such as polls, surveys, tasks, diaries, activities, blogs and member generated discussions. They are fast, flexible and often inexpensive. Online communities can run from a few weeks through to several months, or even years.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Purpose to Practice\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": true}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": true}],\"Budget\": 1,\"Time\": 1,\"Interaction\": 1,\"Type\": \"Tool\",\"Description\": \"Purpose-to-practice (P2P) is an engagement tool that helps stakeholders collaborate to plan a future initiative. The group first generates a shared statement of purpose. The group then brainstorms ideas about five additional issues important for a successful initiative —principles, participants, structure, and practices—keeping in mind the shared purpose. Thinking about multiple elements all in relation to the initiative’s purpose is intended to help participants develop more comprehensive and coherent plans for launching and sustaining their initiative.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Simple Ethnography\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": true}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": true}],\"Budget\": 1,\"Time\": 2,\"Interaction\": 2,\"Type\": \"Tool\",\"Description\": \"Simple Ethnography allows participants to make detailed observations as an unobtrusive observer about the activities of people with frontline experience on a given topic. This allows participants to find new approaches to challenges or discover insights about the population they are observing.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Social Network Webbing\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": false}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": false}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": false}],\"Budget\": 1,\"Time\": 1,\"Interaction\": 1,\"Type\": \"Tool\",\"Description\": \"Social Network Webbing is a process for members of a core working group with a shared purpose to create a map of their network and to decide how to expand and strengthen it. The map includes people they are currently working with as well as those they would like to include in the future (i.e., people with influence or expertise they need to achieve their purpose). Connections are \\\\\\\"woven\\\\\\\" in the network web to advance the group\\'s purpose.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Stakeholder Panel/Advisory Committee\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": false}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": true}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": false}],\"Budget\": 2,\"Time\": 1,\"Interaction\": 3,\"Type\": \"Method\",\"Description\": \"Stakeholder panels or advisory groups provide a forum for patients, community members, and other stakeholders to inform the development and alternatives for a research project. Advisory group members will advise and ensure the exchange of information by: Providing feedback to researchers regarding the importance and feasibility of research protocols. Providing a “sounding board” for research ideas and research/community partnerships. Facilitating connections between community and academic researchers. Making recommendations to researchers at key milestones, including identifying a preferred alternative.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Survey/Questionnaire\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": false}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": false}],\"Budget\": 2,\"Time\": 1,\"Interaction\": 1,\"Type\": \"Tool\",\"Description\": \"Surveys/questionnaires are a series of questions (or other types of prompts) for the purpose of gathering information from respondents.\"}, {\"Name\": \"Town Hall Meeting\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": false}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": true}],\"Budget\": 2,\"Time\": 2,\"Interaction\": 1,\"Type\": \"Tool\",\"Description\": \"In a town hall meeting, individuals from a specific geographic area are invited to participate in a public discussion about issues in their community. All attendees are generally offered an opportunity to speak in town hall meetings. Town hall meetings can be used to identify a list of potential research topics and ideas. Voting to prioritize topics may occur at the end of the meeting.\"}, {\"Name\": \"User Experience Fishbowl\",\"Plannings\": [{\"Name\": \"Perspectives\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Important\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Relevant\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Outcomes\",\"Value\": true}],\"Implementings\": [{\"Name\": \"Refine\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Expand\",\"Value\": true}, {\"Name\": \"Investigate\",\"Value\": false}],\"Disseminatings\": [{\"Name\": \"Describe\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Disseminate\",\"Value\": false}, {\"Name\": \"Design\",\"Value\": false}],\"Budget\": 1,\"Time\": 1,\"Interaction\": 1,\"Type\": \"Tool\",\"Description\": \"User Experience Fishbowls consist of a small inside circle of people surrounded by a larger outside circle of participants. The inside group is formed by people with experience or expertise on an issue of interest to those in the outside circle. This fishbowl design allows the people in the inside group to share their experiences in a conversational style. The informality allows for the easy flow of questions and answers back and forth, facilitating learning.\"}]');\r\n //#endregion\r\n\r\n this.populateMethodStagesAndPurposes();\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n this.error = err;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n populateMethodStagesAndPurposes() {\r\n this.methods.forEach(method => {\r\n let methodStages: string[] = [];\r\n\r\n if (method.Plannings.some(x => x.Value === true)) { methodStages.push('Planning'); }\r\n if (method.Implementings.some(x => x.Value === true)) { methodStages.push('Implementing'); }\r\n if (method.Disseminatings.some(x => x.Value === true)) { methodStages.push('Disseminating'); }\r\n\r\n method.Stages = methodStages.join('; ');\r\n\r\n let methodPurposes: string[] = [];\r\n\r\n method.Plannings.forEach(planning => {\r\n if (planning.Value) {\r\n const matchedPurpose = this.purposes.find(x => x.Name === planning.Name);\r\n if (matchedPurpose != undefined) { methodPurposes.push(matchedPurpose.Value); }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n\r\n method.Implementings.forEach(implementing => {\r\n if (implementing.Value) {\r\n const matchedImplementing = this.purposes.find(x => x.Name === implementing.Name);\r\n if (matchedImplementing != undefined) { methodPurposes.push(matchedImplementing.Value); }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n\r\n method.Disseminatings.forEach(disseminating => {\r\n if (disseminating.Value) {\r\n const matchedDisseminating = this.purposes.find(x => x.Name === disseminating.Name);\r\n if (matchedDisseminating != undefined) { methodPurposes.push(matchedDisseminating.Value); }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n\r\n method.Purposes = methodPurposes.join('; ');\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n addBreadcrumb(pageName: string) {\r\n const breadcrumbToAdd = this.breadcrumbs.find(x => x.text === pageName);\r\n\r\n if (breadcrumbToAdd != undefined) {\r\n this.activeBreadcrumbs.push(breadcrumbToAdd);\r\n } else {\r\n alert(pageName + ' breadcrumb is undefined');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n removeBreadcrumb(name: string) {\r\n const breadcrumbToRemove = this.activeBreadcrumbs.find(x => x.text === name);\r\n\r\n if (breadcrumbToRemove != undefined) {\r\n const index = this.activeBreadcrumbs.indexOf(breadcrumbToRemove, 0);\r\n this.activeBreadcrumbs.splice(index, 1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n breadcrumbClick(action: string) {\r\n switch (action) {\r\n case 'Stakeholder Engagement Selection Tool': {\r\n this.relaunch();\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'Research Stage Selection': {\r\n this.goBackToStages();\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'Engagement Purpose Selection': {\r\n this.goBackToPurposes();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n relaunch() {\r\n this.goBackToStages();\r\n this.isStarted = false;\r\n this.removeBreadcrumb('Research Stage Selection');\r\n }\r\n\r\n goBackToStages() {\r\n this.goBackToPurposes();\r\n this.selectedResearchStages = [];\r\n this.selectedResearchStagesDisplay = [];\r\n this.filteredMethods = [];\r\n this.filteredPurposes = [];\r\n this.removeBreadcrumb('Engagement Purpose Selection');\r\n }\r\n\r\n goBackToPurposes() {\r\n this.selectedEngagementPurposes = [];\r\n this.removeBreadcrumb('Refinements and Results Page');\r\n }\r\n\r\n startNavigator() {\r\n this.isStarted = true;\r\n this.hasBeenStarted = true;\r\n this.addBreadcrumb('Research Stage Selection');\r\n }\r\n\r\n trackResearchStages(researchStages: (keyof Method)[]) {\r\n this.selectedResearchStages = researchStages;\r\n\r\n this.selectedResearchStages.forEach(stage => {\r\n this.selectedResearchStagesDisplay.push(stage.slice(0, -1));\r\n });\r\n\r\n this.addBreadcrumb('Engagement Purpose Selection');\r\n this.filterMethodsByStage();\r\n }\r\n\r\n trackEngagementPurposes(engagmentPurposes: Purpose[]) {\r\n this.addBreadcrumb('Refinements and Results Page');\r\n this.selectedEngagementPurposes = engagmentPurposes;\r\n }\r\n\r\n filterMethodsByStage() {\r\n if (this.selectedResearchStages.length > 0) {\r\n this.methods.forEach(method => {\r\n let addMethodToList = true;\r\n\r\n if (this.selectedResearchStages.includes('Plannings')) {\r\n addMethodToList = this.methodHasStage(method, \"Plannings\");\r\n }\r\n if (addMethodToList && this.selectedResearchStages.includes('Implementings')) {\r\n addMethodToList = this.methodHasStage(method, \"Implementings\");\r\n }\r\n if (addMethodToList && this.selectedResearchStages.includes('Disseminatings')) {\r\n addMethodToList = this.methodHasStage(method, \"Disseminatings\");\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (addMethodToList) {\r\n this.filteredMethods.push(method);\r\n this.filterPurposesByStage(method);\r\n }\r\n })\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n methodHasStage(method: Method, stage: (keyof Method)) {\r\n const stageArray = method[stage];\r\n\r\n if (stageArray != undefined) {\r\n return stageArray.some(x => x.Value === true);\r\n }\r\n\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // TODO: Make these a reuseable function\r\n filterPurposesByStage(method: Method) {\r\n if (this.selectedResearchStages.includes('Plannings')) {\r\n const purposes = method.Plannings.filter(x => x.Value);\r\n purposes.forEach(purpose => {\r\n const matchedPurpose = this.purposes.find(x => x.Name === purpose.Name);\r\n if (matchedPurpose != undefined) {\r\n this.filteredPurposes.push(matchedPurpose);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (this.selectedResearchStages.includes('Implementings')) {\r\n const purposes = method.Implementings.filter(x => x.Value);\r\n purposes.forEach(purpose => {\r\n const matchedPurpose = this.purposes.find(x => x.Name === purpose.Name);\r\n if (matchedPurpose != undefined) {\r\n this.filteredPurposes.push(matchedPurpose);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (this.selectedResearchStages.includes('Disseminatings')) {\r\n const purposes = method.Disseminatings.filter(x => x.Value);\r\n purposes.forEach(purpose => {\r\n const matchedPurpose = this.purposes.find(x => x.Name === purpose.Name);\r\n if (matchedPurpose != undefined) {\r\n this.filteredPurposes.push(matchedPurpose);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n this.filteredPurposes = [...Array.from(new Set(this.filteredPurposes))];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n","import mod from \"-!../../../node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../../../node_modules/ts-loader/index.js??clonedRuleSet-40.use[1]!../../../node_modules/@vue/vue-loader-v15/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./tool.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts&\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../../../node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../../../node_modules/ts-loader/index.js??clonedRuleSet-40.use[1]!../../../node_modules/@vue/vue-loader-v15/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./tool.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts&\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./tool.vue?vue&type=template&id=99ff6e26&\"\nimport script from \"./tool.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts&\"\nexport * from \"./tool.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts&\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../../../node_modules/@vue/vue-loader-v15/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","import Vue from 'vue'\r\nimport VueRouter, { RouteConfig } from 'vue-router'\r\nimport HomeView from '../views/HomeView.vue'\r\nimport Tool from '../Tool/components/tool.vue'\r\nimport VueAnalytics from 'vue-analytics'\r\n\r\nVue.use(VueRouter)\r\n\r\nconst routes: Array